Wandering Thoughts 2/21/2020

So I’ve been fighting with myself about something for a long time. Namely should I start a second blog for my fiction and let this blog just be a poetry blog. Honestly it’s a much harder question then you would think. There are so many things to consider, and it’s not like I’m a big blogger with thousands of followers who can start a second blog and have a good number of people follow me there. What will actually probably happen is I will be shrinking my install base on each blog. And popularity is a huge part of how your site shows up on search results.

But having a more clear purpose for my blog would be nice instead of having the “whatever I want” kind of blog I have right now. While this is mostly a creative writing blog even then there are some things that I post here that don’t fall under that already broad category. And I’m thinking of adding even more kinds of posts that might not so easily fall under that category.

But the thing I keep coming back to is the cost. Free blogs are nice and all but to have a lot of control over a wordpress sight you need a subscription plan. Which is per site not per user, meaning the perks I have for paying doesn’t cross over to any other blogs I might make. That’s a real hit for someone who isn’t making any money on this endeavor. I could always just run a second free site, but then I feel like I wouldn’t come up as much in web-searches.

Maybe I’m thinking to much about this. But for now I think I’m going to stick with the one blog. Life is far to short to be losing sleep over something this trivial, and one website is clearly easier to run then two.

Oh boy this is like the third time I’ve felt the need to justify having a blog called Wandering Poems where I also post things that are not poems–even though nobody asked. I need to get more sleep.

Until next time everyone.

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