Updates and Things

Hello everyone, the Lent season is starting, and I have decided I will be cutting myself off for social media for the duration. If you are reading this on a social media site it is because I have WordPress’s automatic social media posting on, I will not be going to those websites myself to make any corrections like I do normally.

I will still be posting here on my blog, in fact I will be doing daily (weekday) meditation poems here on my site. So make sure you follow my blog if you want to see more of those.

I don’t really intend for these poems to be super Christen in nature despite the fact that I’m doing them for Lent, so if your worried about that don’t be. In fact I’ve already started posting my meditations even though Lent doesn’t start until Wednesday. Check it out here.

I will still be posting short stories during this time, and on days when I post those I will not be posting meditation poems. However, I will not be posting any Wandering Thoughts during this time so you will have to wait until after Lent for those.

Alright that should be everything for now, see you next time.

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