The Inevitable Update

I’ve been furloughed from work starting today.

And that is probably the most ominous opening sentence I’ve written in my life, fiction and poetry included. It really is a scary time, but I’m staying calm and doing all the things that I feel like I should be doing.

I intend to start a daily schedule to keep my sanity and be prepared should I get another job or be called back to the old one. Who knows if that’s even possible at this point. But we seem to live in unprecedented times, so who knows.

I intend to keep updating this blog, I’m just not really sure with what at this point. My more depressing writing project, Lost Sun, is being put on hold. I think I want to keep working on Strange Worlds. But if that becomes my main writing project I may not want to keep posting that story here. But I’m just not sure, I’m going to be trying to keep my writing habits strong in any case.

As for details, I don’t really have any, I was staying home still sick and expecting to return to work next week on Monday. When I got the email from work telling me that they didn’t have anything for me to do and that I should return my work-phone and badge.

Sorry this blog post lacked my usual flair, but I’m also using this to update my family and friends as well.

Until we meet again.

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