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Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing as well as you can giving the world we now all live in right now. I’m not very good at writing about these sorts of things. And as such I have stuck to my poetry and fiction for the time being. Perhaps maybe soon I’ll be able to write something meaningful about everything that’s been going on.

For now I have a few things to say. First my views have been going down, I’m not sure why and I don’t think there’s anything I can do about it. And I get more out of posting on this blog then just the raw catharsis that is my view count. But that does mean I need to take that into consideration when thinking about how much time I spend working on my blog and how much money I put into it as well.

For now my lowest view posts are actually my Strange Worlds. So while I will keep working on that for the book project I’ve been working on, I’ll stop posting that here. Poems are going to continue and I may even have a short story or two to post. But for now, it is what it is.

I’m probably still going to have more staggered posts for Poems. I’m doing a lot less right now, and that means less inspiration for the most part. And yes I am trying to do more positive poems and less negative ones, but that can be a struggle as well.

Thank you for your time and understanding everyone.

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