This is Important

Warning: the following post is political.

I have spent a lot of time trying to come up with something meaningful to say about this election we have coming up. And I kept failing, I’m not a political annalists by any stretch of the imagination–though I do have a sociology degree my focuses has never really been on standard politics–I’m more a Pollock person. Even then I’ve spent most of my life using my words in poetry and fiction. And as such I’m really out of practice when it comes to these sorts of things.

So after spending way to much time thinking about it this is what I’ve decided to say: this is important. Yes all elections are important, but right now this one is more important. And it is essential that we don’t lose sight of that. I have seen far to many people become disillusioned with our political system and start to think that these things don’t matter–but they do.

You may not get the politicians that you want, you may not get the political system you want, you will most likely not get to live in the kind of world you want. And you have every right to be angry and frustrated about that. But this election right now, it still matters. And dismissing the two sides as being the same in this moment is simply false.

I would hope we can all be mature enough to understand that getting what we want isn’t the only reason to vote. And it isn’t the only reason to care, that’s selfishness. We must care even when we have every reason not to, even when we get nothing for ourselves from the deal. A world where people care enough about others to vote on their behalf is a good one, it’s hard to achieve, but it’s worth striving for.

I only have 300 or so followers–and I know not all of you even live inside the US. But even then I think this is still worth writing–still worth thinking about.

You matter,
This election matters,
And your vote matters,
Even when the system and everyone in it tries to tell you it doesn’t.

You may not be able to get to the world you want to live in, but I think it’s very possible to get to the world that someone else needs right now.

That’s all I have–try to get some sleep everyone–until we meet again.

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