It’s That Time Again

Hello everyone, it is once again time for me to reflect on the number of projects and things I’ve been working on. And for me to ask the question: is this to much? It’s a tad redundant but if I don’t do this from time to time I find that I can overwhelm myself with too many different things.
But since this is the 2020 version of this problem I have a slight variation on this theme: is this too much going forward?

2020 has been good in terms of being able to work on a bunch of different projects. But I have to ask myself if this is something I’m going to be able to keep up. And the honest answer is–no–I really will not be able to. I’ve spread myself a tad to thin, and I need to once again re-consolidate, and re-focus.

So in that spirit here are some of the changes coming soon to a blog writer near you:

1. I will be getting rid of my Cryptix Blog.
The link for that blog will lead here instead. I only have two followers on that blog so it seems like this is a good call. I will be posting things I would have posted over there over here instead.

2. Write more of what I want, and less of what I think I have too.
This is one of my major lessons from 2020, don’t pressure myself to write–unless someone is going to be paying me for it.

3. Re-brand.
It might go without saying but image is everything. And while this blog has been doing fairly well for it’s self it may be time to move beyond the “Wandering Poems” label–after all–I have a lot more projects that are going to be living on this blog now. And I might try to find a better name. Mind you I don’t know what that’s going to be yet. But I do intend on doing it.

Well–that’s about it. Over the next few day’s I’m going to be implementing 1 and 2, and I hope to get around to 3 sometime in 2021. But I am glad to have all of you along for the ride, no matter how wild things get.

Until next time everyone.

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