A Random Update

As things return to calm in my life I hope to once again post more here on this blog. But there are still things that will probably get in the way of that. Life being what it is I doubt I’ll be able to post as much as I used to. Once a week seems well out of reach for the time being. And the fact that I still have other projects I’m working on that require my attention is another factor I’m going to need to take into consideration when the time comes.
Also it needs to be said that my other project is more important to me right now, and it has the possibility of making me money, something that this blog simply can’t do right now.
Of course I still love writing and will continue to do so as often as I can here on this blog.

Another matter of business: This blogs name is–well it doesn’t make as much sense as it used to. I no longer just post Poems here, and I have lots of fiction and other fun idea’s as well. But I have not really found a good name to replace Wandering Poems with. So for the time being I think I’ll keep things as is, and if changes need to happen then I’ll worry about them then.

I think that’s everything for now, until we meet again.

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