
I never thought to see the day,
That our world would be turned to ash,
Punished for what we believed,
No—in truth,
Twas the wrongs we’d driven deep. 
The pain we’d make our own people feel,
Generations from now,
They would still kneel,
And we would know,
That this was our own doing,
Unbidden, our demons grow. 
The change,
The strange,
This world on edge,
A path beyond our view.
Perfect it seems,
Or at least it did to you.

The faith,
The fight,
We must soon take flight,
If this all stays the same,
But the end is not yet in view.
It's not to late—to change.

The Decent

To find the lowest point,
We seem to be determined to do,
When from the heights we fell,
To ponder our failure.

Or maybe...

We were never as high in the sky,
As we believed. 
Some illusions of our own importantness,
With which we were deceived.    

An Unfortunate But Hopeful Update

Hello everyone, this will probably be my last update for awhile. I found out recently that my partner is pregnant–and as a result my life is changing fast. I’ve had a lot less time for writing, and I suspect it will be even less when my child is born. As such I need to reprioritize my projects and figure out what it is I want to spend my sparse free time working on.

I love poetry–and I will keep on writing it as the mood strikes me. But I will not be able to post here on this blog consistently anymore. I want to focus on writing my book and my fiction. I don’t want to lose my imagination as I get older–and working on fiction is going to be what helps me do that. When I do come up with a poem I will still post it here. But I am going to remove the pressure from myself to post here, and only do so when I feel like it.

This was a hard call for me–and it is not only this blog that is falling by the wayside–I have other projects that I wish I could be working on, that are simply not going to happen for some time.

Thank you everyone who’s followed me here and elsewhere. Knowing that there’s always someone to read my work has kept me motivated. But it is the end of an era.
I hope you all keep following this blog for when I do end up posting.
Thank you again.

-Wandering Poem

Crisis Update

Hello everyone, I got locked out of my account for a few days due to braking my phone. I managed to get back into my account and everything is going smoother now–or at least as smooth as I can expect things to go.

I hope to have more poems and stories posted fairly soon.