And Now for Something Different

It’s shameless plug time, my wife Ashley just launched her etsy store. If your in to hand made geeky crafts you will want to check this out. And who knows you may want to check this out anyways. She’ll be adding more stuff as she get’s a chance so feel free to check back latter if you don’t see something you like.
The website is:
Tomorrow I’ll go back to my usual fair. See you then everyone.

Wandering Thoughts 2/7/2020: Oh No It’s Friday

For some reason I can never understand I always think I’m going to be more efficient on Friday then I actually end up being. I think of all the writing projects and different errands I have to do and then put it off for Friday. After all I can stay up as late as I want on Friday, after all I can go to the store without feeling like it’s a waste of time. I can go to the gym without feeling like I’m going to be way to burned out the next day. It’s Friday, it doesn’t matter.

But Saturday is a day too, and it’s one I probably shouldn’t be sleeping through. No matter what I tell myself having a healthy and relaxing weekend is important. But sleeping all day becomes I burned myself out on Friday probably isn’t a good idea. But on the other hand treating Friday like just another weekday probably isn’t a good idea either.

Part of the issue is my introvertedness interacting with my Autism in all the worst ways. It took me a long time to realize that going into public and interacting with people was something I found exhausting. And that can include something as simple and benign as going to the store and picking up a few things. And I still have to make a dentists appointment to but the thought of having to call them and make the appointment, and then going in and talking to people who I don’t know is just draining for me.

The correct answer to this problem is obvious of course–don’t put everything off until Friday. If I spend time on another weekday working on some of the things I put off until Friday I’m going to feel a lot better about what I do have to get done over the weekend and probably be a lot more efficient about it. But it’s easy to say that’s something I’m going to do, actually pulling it off is another matter altogether.

Oh well, for now it’s Friday, so maybe I’ll worry about it next week. See you all then….

Wandering Thoughts 1/28/20: 200 in 2020

While delirious from fever last week I hit the 200 posts made on my blog benchmark. It just really sucks that it was a post as pointless as my sickness update post to let everyone know that I was alive but not posting because I couldn’t even manage to stare at a florescent screen for more then 10 minuets without feeling like I was going to fall over backwards in my chair. two-hundred posts seems like a really big deal considering I’m dedicated to poetry and fiction and I’ve been aiming for a relatively consistent posting schedule since the inception of this blog.

I was actually reminded of when I first started blogging way back after collage, believe it or not I started with tumblr. Thinking about it I should try to dig up my old tumblr account and see if I can connect this blog with that one. I used to spend a lot of time looking at pointless stuff on tumblr. But there was some stuff that scared me away back in 2017 and I have not looked at it since. Who knows you may be redding this on tumblr by the time I publish this.

And I’ve been writing poetry since early high-school, I wish I could say I’ve had a longer writing history. But early high-school is as far back as it goes, Autism and Dyslexia really kept me from getting off the ground in terms of writing.

But with 200 posts under my belt here’s hoping I can manage 200 more. Until next time everyone.

Wandering Thoughts 1/8/2020

Note: This is my first time trying my Wandering Thoughts format. Everything about this is subject to change.

Coming up with a good way to manage time without cutting off the oxygen to my creativity has been one of the most challenging things about adult life. As it turns out though, what I’m doing with that time is far more important than how much I’m doing.

Maybe it’s the odd combination of Autism and ADHD, but I can hold down multiple streams of thought at once. As long as I am not talking to someone, or thinking about talking to someone. That takes my full and undivided attention, and if I’m thinking, or pondering anything else I can’t actually hear anything being said to me–much to my wife’s frustration.

When I worked in customer service at Whole Foods I would find myself exhausted and unable to manage my time at all. The constant human interaction put me in a cycle of burn out and then work again. If I wanted to get any writing done I ended up taking time off for that just so I could overcome the time I needed to recover from that burnout.

Now that I work in an office environment though I have the time and the energy to not only get all my work done–but to also keep some of my creative ideas going in the background. This has been amazing for my productivity as it assures I won’t get to board with a task at work, and also means I will plenty of things to write the next time I get a chance to do that.

That’s all for now, see everyone next time.