It’s time

So now it’s time to meet again,
A story will unfold,
A truth once thought forgotten,
Will soon change the world.

Hope once thought a meaningless phrase,
Will bring about some change.
And some will fight against it,
But we will change just the same.

The Legacy of Heroes

When the skies turned red as blood, when the earth turned pail with fright, when the water froze in fear, and when the flame would not ignite.

When hope was thrown into the wind, and lost on the mist. At last four savors appeared the downtrodden, with power and meekness to spare.

They had no reason to save us, but that never concerned them, it seemed natural that they were our saviors, and we would be free at last.

They were truly bold when danger came, casting darkness aside, their fight never ending, their lives thrown aside.

They would do anything for us, and I don’t know why, it’s as though they could care less how there own lives end.

And after overcoming all the blocks to their path they finally found a way to save our world from destruction, cheering filled the streets, this day never to be forgotten.

But time slowly rusts promises away, and though those heroes keep on living to this very day. Not a soul can remember what they did for us, lost onto the darkness, and burned to gray dust.

And now that we have killed their memory, the ones that saved our lives, we simply disregard the fact that we threw it all away.

And now the wheel turns as time slowly passes on, and a new group searches for their saviors, to save them, from us.

Monument of Death

When the cheery blossoms fell like rain, when time I could ignore.
I went to see a black wall with names lost in war.
I looked into that sandblasted wall and found to my surprise, that standing beyond its darkened veil, was a face with my eyes.

This monument of death, so simple, yet so complex, had something to say, though it fell upon many deaf ears.
It said “You must pay the price of freedom, yes indeed, but to pay the price in bodies with interest still due, you will never find your debt paid, a grater balance will always be due.”
But this wall held only regret no solution was inside, so I left this place to find it, I may succeed in time.

We say we will remember, the lessons the dead teach. But I think I see a shadow on the land, were the next monument of death will stand.


If there is a time to be pedantic its now,
Meaning can’t be derived from half truths and feelings,
No matter how strong.
There is still a place for personal truths,
But those truths should never,
Pull the rug from under the health,
The wellbeing of others.
If your truths bring someone else to harm,
Then look in the mirror,
And on its edge ponder,
What personal truths bring harm to me?
For if you can’t look outward,
At least learn to empathize inward.
Some truths are to important to look away from.
Even as those same truths hurt,
It is pain well spent,
For the wellbeing of others.