An Unfortunate But Hopeful Update

Hello everyone, this will probably be my last update for awhile. I found out recently that my partner is pregnant–and as a result my life is changing fast. I’ve had a lot less time for writing, and I suspect it will be even less when my child is born. As such I need to reprioritize my projects and figure out what it is I want to spend my sparse free time working on.

I love poetry–and I will keep on writing it as the mood strikes me. But I will not be able to post here on this blog consistently anymore. I want to focus on writing my book and my fiction. I don’t want to lose my imagination as I get older–and working on fiction is going to be what helps me do that. When I do come up with a poem I will still post it here. But I am going to remove the pressure from myself to post here, and only do so when I feel like it.

This was a hard call for me–and it is not only this blog that is falling by the wayside–I have other projects that I wish I could be working on, that are simply not going to happen for some time.

Thank you everyone who’s followed me here and elsewhere. Knowing that there’s always someone to read my work has kept me motivated. But it is the end of an era.
I hope you all keep following this blog for when I do end up posting.
Thank you again.

-Wandering Poem

Crisis Update

Hello everyone, I got locked out of my account for a few days due to braking my phone. I managed to get back into my account and everything is going smoother now–or at least as smooth as I can expect things to go.

I hope to have more poems and stories posted fairly soon.

A Random Update

As things return to calm in my life I hope to once again post more here on this blog. But there are still things that will probably get in the way of that. Life being what it is I doubt I’ll be able to post as much as I used to. Once a week seems well out of reach for the time being. And the fact that I still have other projects I’m working on that require my attention is another factor I’m going to need to take into consideration when the time comes.
Also it needs to be said that my other project is more important to me right now, and it has the possibility of making me money, something that this blog simply can’t do right now.
Of course I still love writing and will continue to do so as often as I can here on this blog.

Another matter of business: This blogs name is–well it doesn’t make as much sense as it used to. I no longer just post Poems here, and I have lots of fiction and other fun idea’s as well. But I have not really found a good name to replace Wandering Poems with. So for the time being I think I’ll keep things as is, and if changes need to happen then I’ll worry about them then.

I think that’s everything for now, until we meet again.

I’m Still Alive

Hello everyone, you may have noticed I have not been posting as much lately. Don’t worry–I’m still alive. And am in fact still working on various writing projects and idea’s. But nothing that would really work to post here–and with everything going on here in the US the poetry part of my brain has not been working very well.
I’m going to be spending sometime meditating on how to post more here on this blog and if that’s even possible at this point in time. Life being what it is, I’m not sure I’ll be able to post more then once a week.

Well that’s all for now, until next time.

It’s That Time Again

Hello everyone, it is once again time for me to reflect on the number of projects and things I’ve been working on. And for me to ask the question: is this to much? It’s a tad redundant but if I don’t do this from time to time I find that I can overwhelm myself with too many different things.
But since this is the 2020 version of this problem I have a slight variation on this theme: is this too much going forward?

2020 has been good in terms of being able to work on a bunch of different projects. But I have to ask myself if this is something I’m going to be able to keep up. And the honest answer is–no–I really will not be able to. I’ve spread myself a tad to thin, and I need to once again re-consolidate, and re-focus.

So in that spirit here are some of the changes coming soon to a blog writer near you:

1. I will be getting rid of my Cryptix Blog.
The link for that blog will lead here instead. I only have two followers on that blog so it seems like this is a good call. I will be posting things I would have posted over there over here instead.

2. Write more of what I want, and less of what I think I have too.
This is one of my major lessons from 2020, don’t pressure myself to write–unless someone is going to be paying me for it.

3. Re-brand.
It might go without saying but image is everything. And while this blog has been doing fairly well for it’s self it may be time to move beyond the “Wandering Poems” label–after all–I have a lot more projects that are going to be living on this blog now. And I might try to find a better name. Mind you I don’t know what that’s going to be yet. But I do intend on doing it.

Well–that’s about it. Over the next few day’s I’m going to be implementing 1 and 2, and I hope to get around to 3 sometime in 2021. But I am glad to have all of you along for the ride, no matter how wild things get.

Until next time everyone.

More Updates

Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing as well as you can giving the world we now all live in right now. I’m not very good at writing about these sorts of things. And as such I have stuck to my poetry and fiction for the time being. Perhaps maybe soon I’ll be able to write something meaningful about everything that’s been going on.

For now I have a few things to say. First my views have been going down, I’m not sure why and I don’t think there’s anything I can do about it. And I get more out of posting on this blog then just the raw catharsis that is my view count. But that does mean I need to take that into consideration when thinking about how much time I spend working on my blog and how much money I put into it as well.

For now my lowest view posts are actually my Strange Worlds. So while I will keep working on that for the book project I’ve been working on, I’ll stop posting that here. Poems are going to continue and I may even have a short story or two to post. But for now, it is what it is.

I’m probably still going to have more staggered posts for Poems. I’m doing a lot less right now, and that means less inspiration for the most part. And yes I am trying to do more positive poems and less negative ones, but that can be a struggle as well.

Thank you for your time and understanding everyone.

The Inevitable Update

I’ve been furloughed from work starting today.

And that is probably the most ominous opening sentence I’ve written in my life, fiction and poetry included. It really is a scary time, but I’m staying calm and doing all the things that I feel like I should be doing.

I intend to start a daily schedule to keep my sanity and be prepared should I get another job or be called back to the old one. Who knows if that’s even possible at this point. But we seem to live in unprecedented times, so who knows.

I intend to keep updating this blog, I’m just not really sure with what at this point. My more depressing writing project, Lost Sun, is being put on hold. I think I want to keep working on Strange Worlds. But if that becomes my main writing project I may not want to keep posting that story here. But I’m just not sure, I’m going to be trying to keep my writing habits strong in any case.

As for details, I don’t really have any, I was staying home still sick and expecting to return to work next week on Monday. When I got the email from work telling me that they didn’t have anything for me to do and that I should return my work-phone and badge.

Sorry this blog post lacked my usual flair, but I’m also using this to update my family and friends as well.

Until we meet again.

Update: Things have not gone well.

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately I am ending my Lenten meditation poem spree early. As well as my abstinence from social media. Can you guess why? Yup its Covid-19 aka carona virus. I came down with cold like symptoms last week and have been forced to stay home from work. The symptoms are not that bad. But some of the worry and the stress has taken it’s toll on me and trying to maintain this blog has fallen by the wayside for right now. It’s strange–I have plenty of time to write–but I have not been able to get my motivation going enough to keep up with the daily posting schedule I had planned.

So while I do intend to post as I come up with things to post. From now until I can get my act together there are not going to be any guaranteed posts, on any guaranteed schedule.

Thanks for your understanding everyone.

Updates and Things

Hello everyone, the Lent season is starting, and I have decided I will be cutting myself off for social media for the duration. If you are reading this on a social media site it is because I have WordPress’s automatic social media posting on, I will not be going to those websites myself to make any corrections like I do normally.

I will still be posting here on my blog, in fact I will be doing daily (weekday) meditation poems here on my site. So make sure you follow my blog if you want to see more of those.

I don’t really intend for these poems to be super Christen in nature despite the fact that I’m doing them for Lent, so if your worried about that don’t be. In fact I’ve already started posting my meditations even though Lent doesn’t start until Wednesday. Check it out here.

I will still be posting short stories during this time, and on days when I post those I will not be posting meditation poems. However, I will not be posting any Wandering Thoughts during this time so you will have to wait until after Lent for those.

Alright that should be everything for now, see you next time.

And Now for Something Different

It’s shameless plug time, my wife Ashley just launched her etsy store. If your in to hand made geeky crafts you will want to check this out. And who knows you may want to check this out anyways. She’ll be adding more stuff as she get’s a chance so feel free to check back latter if you don’t see something you like.
The website is:
Tomorrow I’ll go back to my usual fair. See you then everyone.