Quick Sick Update

Hello everyone, just a quick update so you don’t think I’m dead. I caught the flu on Tuesday and I’ve been stuck in bed ever since. My ability to write and be creative has gone down the drain as I struggle to even focus. I’ve had a temp of 101.7 degrees and have struggled to get that down at all.

I wanted to write this post earlier but this is the first time I could even stare at my computer screen without giving myself a headache. So I hope to resume normal posting sometime next week once I’ve recovered. But I might get a poem or something out earlier. if I have one in storage that I think might be good.

Anyways don’t worry to much about me, I’ll live, as I have, through worse.


Hello everyone, the 2020 memes are showing up on Facebook and Reddit so it must be 2020. Mind you the first memes of the new decade have not been hopeful but that’s a different topic for a different time. There are going to be some changes to the blog coming now that the new year is upon us. And I wanted to take a moment to let everyone know what’s coming.

Firstly the blog journals are going the way of the dinosaur. They put too much presser on me and I ended up not doing them because of the stress–classic issue. So instead I’m going to be writing smaller blog updates that will include some of the same stuff I put in my blog journals. But there is not necessarily going to be any consultancy.

Despite the above change I’ve decided I want to post more. Doing that is going to take some work though. I’m going to be adding a few different kinds of posts. The first kind of new posts is going to be called Wandering Thoughts–where I just kind of write about whatever is on my mind. What I say in these posts shouldn’t be taken as any kind of gospel since most of them are just going to be passing thoughts and nothing more. But it should be fun and it will get me more practice with writing.

Next, there are some changes going on with the big fiction project I have been working on for this Blog. I can’t seem to make up my mind what kind of project I want to do for this blog in terms of fiction even though I know I want to do one. So it may be a bit before you see any more long form fiction from me. But that is something that I want to do and I will be posting some episodic stories here on this blog at some point this year.

That’s all for now, I hope 2020 is treating you well.

2019 Reflection

So 2019 is coming to it’s inevitable end and honestly I’m not sure how to feel about that. I had intended to write a poem. But with everything that has happened this year both personally and in the world at large I’m not really sure where to start.


Whew, glad I got that out of my system. In truth 2019 has been a really stressful year, I got a promotion at work which has been a lot more work then I thought it would be. The political situation has only gotten more crazy and polarized. And a lot of the fandoms I’m apart of have started to become polarized as well. I’ve even had to leave some of those communities for the sake of my mental health.

But the end of one opportunity is the start of another. So I’m trying to look at this as an opportunity to have more time to play other video games and work on other projects like my writing.

And as long as we’re on the topic of projects I’ll be carrying over some of my projects to 2020. I’ve been working on another book called Lost Sun and that’s been coming along nicely. I hope to have that done by this time next year–but one never knows how long a writing project is going to take.

I’ve also been working on my own table top rpg and I’ve been really excited about that. Though that’s been a little harder then I thought it would be. But I’ve been determined to get that up and running.

And last but not lest my “Worlds” Project that I’m going to be posting more of here. That’s something that I’ve been looking forward to working on. But I’ve been having a bit of a hard time coming up with good idea’s for it. I hope to tell you more about this particular project in 2020 once I’ve gotten the details hammered down.

On a more personal note I’ve been having a lot of fun with Table Top RPGs this year and I’m finally starting to read more as well. So I hope that next year brings more fun personal changes as well. I keep thinking that I might actually be able to get to my video game back log as well. But who knows how 2020 is going to play out. Not me that’s for sure.

See everyone in 2020.

Sunshine Blogger Award

Hello everyone, we interrupt your regularly scheduled blog posts to bring you this special announcement. I’ve been nominated for a Sunshine Blogger Award by Ishaan from Ishaan’s Blog. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness as I have never been considered for these kinds of things before. Again, thank you for thinking of me.
Ishaan is a writer of both fiction and poetry who has an immersive and vivid writing style.

Unfortunately due to time and personal constraints I have decided not to participate. As some of you know I have ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). The Sunshine Blogger Award is about spreading happiness and motivation, but the thought of participating in this kind of event makes me anything but happy and motivated. These things just tend to exhaust me, I know for some of you that doesn’t make any kind of sense. All I would have to do is answer some questions and nominate eleven other people. But for me, right now, that would be like climbing mount Everest. People and interactions, even through the internet make me nervous and tiered most of the time.

This is a hobby blog, and for me to keep motivated I need to make sure everything I do on here is fun and interesting for me. And the thought of having to respond to this nomination has been nerve wracking, not fun. I hope none of you are offended, this kind of an award is important, and should not be overlooked. I just can’t do it right now.

If you want to learn more about what the Sunshine Blogger award is about check it out here. And you should defiantly check Ishaan who nominated me.
Thank you so much, I’m sorry I couldn’t participate.

Quick Update

Hello everyone, I am taking a brake from social media. If you read these posts on Facebook or twitter. You should notice you are still getting notifications there since I have automatic update set up. But you will only be getting what the automatic updater is posting. Normally I do clean up and stuff like that to make those posts look better, since the way wordpress does it is kind of dumb. But since I’m not even going to be clicking on the Facebook or twitter website that simply won’t be happening. I’ll probably be off social media until 2020 kicks off.

In addition, not only will I still be blogging, but I hope to blog some more with the extra time I’m going to get from not scrolling through my news feed. If you want to comment on anything feel free to comment over here on wordpress. Thanks for your time.

Blog Journal 10/2/19

Hello everyone, so I am sick this week and don’t have a lot of physical or mental energy to spear to work on these sorts of things. As such this blog journal is going to be short and sweet without much of the usual information. You also might notice a lot of spelling errors as the first thing that goes when I’m tired is my spelling.

Everything’s Going Well–Other then Being Sick….

I’ve been working on my book still and I’m still only on the second chapter. But I’m having a lot of fun with it. I have a bunch of short story projects that I’ve been working on. But nothing that’s ready to be published yet. I had hoped to have my White Witch story ready to post on this blog this week. But due to me being sick I doubt very much that’s going to happen.

All my poems are pre-scheduled on this blog so you will see those appear on the Tuesday and Thursday dates regardless of how far behind I get on other things while struggling with my cold.

That’s going to have to be everything for now. I’ll update you guys on my other weekly stuff once this cold has been kicked to the curb.

Have a good week!

Blog Journal 9/13/19

Hello everyone and welcome to another week of fun. This is not going to be a particularly long blog journal as not a whole lot has changed since last week. Things have slowed down at work and I finally feel like I have a chance to catch my breath. But I don’t really feel like I’ve caught up on my sleep. But sometimes as a writer I have to wonder if I’ll ever catch up on sleep or if that’s just a pipe dream. Oh well I can sleep when I’m dead I guess.

Blog Schedule

This week there are going to be two poems posted, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. Going forward I’m going to try and post blog journals on Wednesday. In addition short stories are going to show up on Fridays. But those are not going to be an every week thing, just whenever I can get those up. I also am going to have weekend posts starting soon. But what those are going to be is a secret for now.

Book update

I am writing another book–joy–the name of the book is Lost Sun, but for now I’m not going to share more about it then that. I have only just started the first chapter so how things will go is another matter entirely, writing books are a long journey that sometimes don’t pay off. But I will keep posting more about that journey here. I have a lot of other projects as well so we will see how that goes.

Media Stuff

I have been watching stuff on Netflix a lot this week. I’m not embarrassed to say I’m a big cartoon person despite my age. So I spent some time binge watching Twelve Forever. Other then that I still have not had much time to play or read anything. Though I have been playing Pokemon Masters a little bit when I get a chance.

That’s all for now everyone, see you next week.

Blog Journal 9/5/19

It has been some time everyone. The last time I wrote one of these journals 2dcon was coming up and I was afraid that I might not be able to write as much during that time. OH boy did I underestimate that bugbear. I think I only had one poem put up on this blog that week. And I really was only expecting to miss one.

To give everyone an idea of whats been happening, work got crazy, really crazy. The upshot is I did get a promotion at work, but the adjustment period has been rough. I can’t really go into details but for awhile the uncertainty was stressful to say the least. But the good news is we’re getting things worked out now and everything is settling down.

Less Poems Per week, for now

I’ve going to be publishing poems two days a week instead of four days a week. The days will usually be Tuesday and Wednesday. I hope to start writing more poems soon, but stress, believe it or not, is not conducive to being creative. I’m also running low on my bank of unpublished poems and I would like more time to build those up again just in case. If things go well I might go back to the four a week schedule, or even go to a three day a week schedule to split the difference.

End of Hidden Sanctuary, Start of something new.

I no longer have the will to keep working on Hidden Sanctuary. And those stories get almost no views, so I don’t feel very guilty about it. Since that was part of an ongoing story and since I might still use some of those ideas latter for different writing projects I will delete those stories at the end of the week.

I do have something else I’m going to be working on I’m it’s place–well two things actually. I’ve finally decided to work on writing a book again. After finishing my first book and failing to get it published I wasn’t feeling very motivated. But now I feel a little more willing to try to write something else. But of course I will not be posting anything related to my book on here since I might still hold onto the dream of getting it published.

All that being said I am going to be working on some short stories on here. The stories you will be seeing here will be individual short stories with a lose connection in that they all take place inside the same multiverse. Some may even star reoccurring characters.

What I’ve been playing and doing this week.

2dcon was fun and I played a while ton of old games. I finally got to try Battle Toads after years of hearing roamers about it. I also got to play some arcade games and pinball which I haven’t gotten a chance to do in years. It was really nice. I’ve also been playing the mobile game Pokemon Masters which is a total cash grab I admit but I’m having fun with it. Still have not had a whole lot of time for reading but I hope that changes soon. I’ve been listening to the Daily Podcast from the New York Times this week for a lot of my news and reading AP articles about the damage done by hurricane Dorien.

That’s all from me this week.

Blog Journal 8/20/19

Hello everyone, as I said last week I have decided to call these Blog Journals instead of State of the Blog Journals. It’s just easier to say and much less of a mouthful. I have a bunch of things going on this week and I should tell everyone some important things about my schedule this week. But first…

2D Con

I am going to 2d con this weekend, my wife is selling things there and I will be spending Friday to Sunday helping her cell things and all my spare time is going to go to playing the arcade games they have set up there. This is all going to be a lot of fun and I think I need that time. As you might expect this is going to affect the schedule of this blog. But first let me go over a few other things that are affecting my schedule.

Burn Out

I’m not really sure how it happened but I think I’ve been working on to many creative projects at once. I’ve been frantically searching for my next long term project by trowing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. And I don’t want to call it a mistake since I’ve learned a lot and written a lot of things I’ve liked. But I came home from work and in addition to worrying about work I’ve been worrying about “finding” my next big project and I just fell asleep for three hours. I think I do need to take a breath and not worry about my writing projects for a bit.

So now, how is this affecting the blog.

First I will be putting Hidden Sanctuary on hold for a time. Honestly I am pondering dropping hidden sanctuary all together–but I don’t want to make a choice while I’m stressed out about it, so for now I won’t be worrying about it.

Since I will be at 2d con all weekend and since I don’t want to worry about writing while I’m doing that, there will be no blog post Friday. In addition, I don’t know if I will be able to post on Monday–I might–but I can’t predict what will happen from where I’m writing this on Monday night. the week before, so you will have to wait and be surprised.

The good news is I have posts for everyday this week other then Friday so this won’t affect things to much.

Everything Else

I’ve been replaying Pokemon Sun lately, but that’s all I’ve really had time to play or read. Another reason to take some time to rest and refocus. Hopefully I will have more interesting to talk to everyone about next week after 2d con.

See you all then….

State of the Blog Journal 8/6/19

Hello everyone,

I’m trying something new, something a little more personal. I’m going to be doing short weekly updates about what’s going on with my life and what you can expect to see on my blog that week. It’s sort of an update/journal type thing where I share with you a little bit about what’s going on in my week. I don’t expect this to get super personal, but I will provide enough context to let you know how life is going on my end.

Poems and Things

I’ve been attempting to post more frequently on my blog and that has required a lot of changes to how I write. I can pound out a poem in a few short seconds some days, but that comes at a price, namely spelling. Oh gosh it is embarrassing to realize that I’ve misspelled something on what was otherwise a really feeling poem. Oh well, blogs can be updated with correct spellings after the fact at least. I do have autism and dyslexia so sometimes I think it’s a miracle I can write as well as I do.

I’m Ending Words from the Road

I’m losing motivation to work on my “Words from the Road” poem project and the last time I posted one it had zero views. So I’m going to stop posting new entries in that project. I won’t be removing the one’s I’ve posted from my blog though. That won’t always be the case with project that end early, I might just take some things down. But in the case of “Words from the Road” that will remain up on the blog.

No “Hidden Sanctuary” this week

For those of you who have not noticed I’ve been working on an episodic story project called “Hidden Sanctuary” I think I’m getting sick this week though so I’m going to take it easy and not worry about posting a new one of those.

What have I been up to…

I feel like I’m not transparent enough as a writer. I’ve heard it said that all writing is political. I’m not sure if I agree, but I would be hard pressed to deny that politics has an effect on writing, so I feel it only fair to be transparent about where I get my news. And I also like to show my other sources of inspiration so I will also be posting what games I’m playing and what I’m reading if your interested.
This week I listened to the five thirty eight politics podcast, they were covering the mass shootings this last weekend from a more statistical perspective which makes me feel sad and detached.
As far as video games are concerned I’ve been really into Hollow Knight lately. It’s atmospheric and oddly poetic and reflective. Though it’s hard for me to put my finger on why. I’ve been wanting to write more about games, but I’m not really sure how to do that so we will see were that goes.

That’s everything from me, have a good week.